

Hello world,
Evan here.

My journey into the world of software development began with a first-class honours degree in engineering from the University of Manchester. The cool thing about building website interfaces and making them work just right hooked me instantly.

I'm a fullstack developer, and I spend a lot of time with React.js and Node.js both in JavaScript & TypeScript. What really clicks with me is how React lets me piece things together in a way that just feels right. It's like a superpower – I take what businesses want and turn it into real, working code that makes interfaces look and feel amazing!

I'm a big believer in testing everything from start to finish. I've been hands-on with projects using tools like Cypress and Playwright. These tools make sure everything runs smoothly on different browsers and setups. It's like putting armor on your app to ensure it's rock-solid before it goes live.

When I'm not working, I'm actively contributing to my open-source project called "Pet Pal." Rooted in the dog industry, this project aims to forge connections among dog owners, trainers, sitters, and suppliers. By fostering collaboration and streamlining interactions, "Pet Pal" seeks to create a comprehensive ecosystem that caters to the diverse needs of dog enthusiasts.

Thank you for visiting my personal website, and I look forward to the possibility of collaboration and shared growth in the dynamic world of technology.